Success in the Digital Economy
The true cost of business software
Traditional CRM systems have been capturing information from sales teams to improve sales monitoring. These systems normally added more value to the sales manager than to the sales agents and therefore they were not always accepted in the field. This article is about using tools and swarm intelligence in a modern CRM system to help B2B sales teams achieve better results and therefore give them a real motivation of using a CRM system. Selling is an Art
The best sales agents are capable of building trust with their customers and add value to their business. To understand the role of a CRM system in this environment we need to ask at least these two questions: First, can CRM systems add value to the sales agents?. Assessing the situation Algorithms aren’t biased.
This is where modern CRM systems can contribute by calculating an additional win probability based on key factors such as the number of persons that still need to be convinced, the sales barriers that need to be overcomed and the own situation regarding the competition. This “objective” win probability per opportunity provides sales agents another perspective on their situation. Knowing that most sales agents evaluate their situation better than it actually is, this external view may help them to become more realistic and be better prepared to meet their goals. For those readers, who speak Spanish I recommend the article “If you want less biased decisions, trust the algorithms” from Harvard Business Review. Comparing with peers Facts are basis for improvement.
Providing intelligent advice A team is more intelligent than an individual.
The results of “Thinking together” have always been better than those of the individual and this can be made very visible through the NASA Survival Game. Feeding back market information Market feedback influences strategy.
So, there is a real benefit for the individual sales agent to use the CRM system. But, the strong adoption of a modern CRM system has also a side effect which is positive for the sales managers. By receiving information from the sales team on their competitive situations and the challenges the teams have to overcome to close a deal, the sales managers have a much better insight into the firms market situation and can take specific actions to improve the sales team training. In a time where information is money, real-time market information from the field can represent lots of money if the company can convert more opportunities into deals. Is your current CRM prepared for providing advice to sales agents, foster collaboration, and provide feedback about your current market situation? |
In case you are planning to create your future collboration strategy or you are looking for the right collaboration technology which implements all the ideas noted above, feel free to contact us at
Osvaldo Ostermann |
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